本月初(2021-11),加拿大癌症协会(Canadian Cancer Society) 公布了2021年癌症发病及死亡统计报告。根据这项报告的估算,2021年加拿大的总癌症新发病例数为229,000, 死亡人数为84,600人,平均每小时有25人被诊断为癌症;癌症患者平均5年生存率为64%,平均终生患癌概 (Life time probability of cancer) 约40%。目前癌症是加拿大人的第一杀手,约占全部死亡人数的四分之一。

Earlier this month (2021-11), the Canadian Cancer Society (Canadian Cancer Society) released the 2021 cancer incidence and mortality statistics. According to this report, the total number of new cancer cases and death toll in Canada in 2021 are expected to be 229,000 and 84,600, respectively. On average, 25 people are diagnosed with cancer every hour; the average 5-year survival rate of cancer patients is 64%, and the average lifetime probability of cancer is about 40%. Cancer is currently the number one killer of Canadians, accounting for about a quarter of all deaths.
在过去的36年间,加拿大男性肺癌年龄标化发病率呈现明显下降,前列腺癌和大肠癌也有不同程度的下降。 与肺癌不同,过去36年加拿大男性黑色素瘤(属于皮肤癌)与甲状腺癌的年龄标化发病率呈现明显上升趋势。

