2024 年 7 月 20 日

CNIW 北美华人健康

CNIW 北美华人健康


COVID-19 医疗风险评估

COVID-19 医疗风险评估 DISCLAIMER: Adopted from https://alama.org.uk/covid-19-medical-risk-assessment/ with minor revisions. For English version please click the following link: https://alama.org.uk/covid-19-medical-risk-assessment/ COVID年龄 COVID年龄是为协助英国卫生专业人员为劳动者就其个人易感性以及就业影响的COVID-19提供建议而开发的。易感性可以量化为感染后死亡的概率。易感性根据年龄、性别、种族、存在其他健康状况(合并症)

New study offers insights on mental health of the Mainland Chinese in Canada during COVID-19 pandemic

CNIW, Feb 2022 A new study published by International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) assesses the psychological

王培忠教授获加拿大抗癌协会(Canadian Cancer Society)科研资助考察如何通过膳食预防肿瘤

北美华人健康消息(2022-02-1):纽芬兰纪念大学王培忠博士,雷切尔·普劳斯(Rachel Prowse)博士分别获得两项由加拿大抗癌协会(Canadian Cancer Society, CCS)与加拿大健康研究院(Canadian Institute of Health Research, CIHR)联合资助的科研课题,研究如何通过促进健康膳食预防肿瘤。每个项目资助金额为20万加元。 两项科研科课题分别是: 1: Reducing cancer incidence through innovative and holistic primary

Scholars and Practitioners Share Research Findings and Experience with Chinese Community during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Prepared by Fiona Bian and Xiao Han: CNIW Dec 12, 2021:  The Second CNIW Health and Bio-Medical Forum was held


Chinese Immigrants’ Perceptions and knowledge toward COVID-19 in Canada



The COVID-19 outbreak is spreading across the globe rapidly. The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) has one of the largest Chinese

CIHR COVID-19 Project Team

Principal Investigator: Dr. Peizhong Peter WangProfessor, Division of Community Health and Humanities, Memorial University of Newfoundland Co-principal Investigator: Dr. Lixia