新冠疫苗专项科研调查正式启动,节日期间邀请您参加支持,只需10分钟!Memorial University Researchers Invite Chinese Immigrants to participate a COVID-19 Vaccine Survey
尊敬的加拿大华人朋友,目前新冠流行尚未结束,新冠疫苗接种情况及对疫苗的观点依旧是影响我们每个人的重要事情。去年《北美华人健康》与CCAA,CCEA等兄弟社团在加拿大公共卫生署(Public Health Agency of Canada, PHAC)的支持下,开展了许多与疫苗接种相关的公益活动。我们在今年节日期间继续这项工作,开展一项非常重要而且与大家密切相关的问卷调查。本项研究是要通过匿名问卷调查了解华人新冠疫苗接种情况、副作用问题及您对疫苗接种的看法。该项目已得到纽芬兰纪念大学伦理委员会批准,由王培忠教授(https://www.dlsph.utoronto.ca/faculty-profile/wang-peter)主持,并由他的一位硕士研究生(Matin Shariati医生)对数据进行分析整理,以求全面及时准确地反映目前现状。我们邀请您花费10分钟参加这项中文在线匿名调查。本调查不收集个人敏感性信息。您可以自由选择是否参与。年满16岁的朋友均可回答问卷。此项研究结果不仅对在加华人有所助益,也会为加拿大政府机构提供重要科学资料,为下一步政策制定提供参考。调查结果会在北美华人健康网站(www.cniw.org)、本公众号及华人媒体向大家公布。为了感谢各位对此项目的支持,完成问卷的朋友可在调查问卷的最后可以提供邮箱地址(仅用于抽奖),奖品为多张面额为25加币的加拿大亚马逊礼品卡。
您可以通过以下方式填填写问卷:1)扫描下面的二维码进入问卷调查 (微信用户一人只能填写一次)

Dear Chinese Community Friends:
In the past two years, the COVID-19 vaccine has become a major weapon for use to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this questionnaire is to understand your intentions for vaccination against the COVID-19 under the pandemic situation. It takes about 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. The questionnaire is anonymous, and your answers will only be used for data analysis, to support the Health Canada’s community project to promote COVID-19 vaccination, and to explore how to provide you with the best support and assistance for the pandemic prevention under the current pandemic situation . There is no right or wrong option, please answer truthfully according to your real situation. Your participation is completely voluntary. If you want to withdraw from participating in the questionnaire, just close the questionnaire window. By submitting the survey, you agree to participate in this survey and have your data used for analysis. Your participation will not affect your relationship with researchers or your community.
After completing the questionnaire, you will have the opportunity to get a $25 electronic shopping card (10 in total). In order to participate in the lucky draw, you need to fill in your email address after the questionnaire. Your email address will only be used for the draw and will not be associated with your questionnaire answers.
If you have any questions, please email info@cniw.org.