王培忠教授做客OMNI 电视与主持人李维对话,谈孕妇疫苗接种的重要性 Professor Peter Wang Explains the Importance of Vaccination for Pregnant Women on OMNI TV (Video)
CNIW News (2024-07-05):
日前王培忠教授介绍OMNI 华语电视台邀请,介绍孕妇接种疫苗的重要性,以下是视频报道。Recently, Professor Peter Wang was invited by OMNI Chinese TV to explain the importance of vaccination for pregnant women. Below is the video report.
主持人李维:“最近一阵子, 有关麻疹, 脑膜炎, 新冠等等疫苗的话题, 引发大家的关注, 其中孕妇的疫苗接种率一向不高, 原因到底有哪些? 我们之前在节目中曾经提过, 北美华人健康向联邦公共卫生署申请孕妇接种疫苗的调研项目, 就是要找出原因, 目前这个项目进展如何? 社区如何配合? 我们今天就邀请北美华人健康的负责人, 纽芬兰纪念大学,也是多伦多大学公共卫生学院流行病学教授王培忠,和大家一起关注。”
In the interview, Professor Peter Wang introduced the project's background, goals, and implementation plan. According to the recommendations of the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) in Canada, pregnant women can benefit from receiving Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis), RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), influenza, and COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy.