2024 年 10 月 18 日

CNIW 北美华人健康

CNIW 北美华人健康





1. Outstanding Community Organization Partners Award(杰出社区合作机构奖)

加拿大中国高校校友会联合会 Confederation of Chinese Alumni Associations  (CCAA)

CCAA 会长 程斌 (左)与 CCAA理事长 叶军 (右)接收CNIW主席王培忠颁奖

加拿大中国高校校友会联合会(CCAA)于2018年10月16日在加拿大联邦政府注册成立, 为在加拿大的中国高校校友会自愿组成的、非营利、非宗教和非政治联合性团体。目前有校友会团体会员86个,惠及校友达2万多人。由于加拿大大部分华裔移民拥有大学学历,因此CCAA还是一个庞大的社交网络,可以有效地联系中国大陆移民。

The Confederation of Chinese Alumni Associations (CCAA) was incorporated in the Federal Government of Canada on October 16, 2018 as a non-profit, non-religious and non-political organization. It is a voluntary group of Canadian Chinese university alumni associations. At present, CCAA has a membership of 86 alumni association members, representing more than 20,000 individuals. As predominantly large proportion of Chinese immigrants in Canada have university degree, CCAA is also a large social network that effectively connects mainland Chinese immigrants.

2. Outstanding Social Responsibility Award (杰出社会责任机构奖)

CYPRO Realty Inc., Brokerage 赛博地产

Sara Xiao 女士 代表公司领奖

赛博地产Cypro Realty 是一家专业的地产综合服务公司,总部设于加拿大多伦多万锦市,以服务客户以己任,致力于打造商业地产、楼花投资、二手房交易信息共享平台,以及市场分析及物业顾问等经营范围。公司放眼全球经济,专注本地市场,专业的房产置业管理软件,完整的售后服务体系及专业地产人士卓越的营销能力, 助您和家人无忧置业。

Cypro Realty is a professional real estate integrated service company headquartered in Markham, Toronto, Canada. It is committed to building a commercial real estate, off-the-plan investment, second-hand housing transaction information sharing platform, as well as real estate market analysis and property management and consulting services. The company focuses on the global economy, targets on the local market, provides professional real estate property management platform, builds a complete after-sales service system and the outstanding marketing capabilities of professional real estate professionals, and helps you and your family with worry-free real estate transactions.

3. Outstanding Chinese Community Leadership Award (杰出华人社区领袖奖)



Bin Cheng, President of Confederation of Chinese Alumni Association (CCAA), and Xi’an Jiaotong University Alumni Association of Toronto. In 2021, Mr. Cheng led the CCAA Board of Directors and various member alumni associations to provide alumni and the Chinese community with many public welfare lectures on career development, effectively promoting exchanges between the alumni associations. In the fight against the new crown epidemic, it has also joined other organizations to form expert lectures, launch member alumni associations, and promote vaccination. It fully demonstrated the selfless dedication, leading by example, uniting and coordinating the leadership skills of the member alumni associations and various societies. Toronto

4. Chinese Community Outstanding Contribution in Fighting COVID-19 Award (抗击新冠疫情杰出贡献奖)

Recipient (获奖者): Mr. Cheng Zeng 曾诚


Cheng Zeng,  Executive President of the Canada China Cultural Exchange Association (CCEA) and the Vice President of the Confederation of Chinese Alumni Association (CCAA). In 2021, Mr. Zeng worked tirelessly with the CCEA/CCAA preparatory team in organizing many online seminars in career development, COVID-10 knowledge dissemination, and anti-discrimination. Mr. Zeng has devoted both his spare time and weekend time to volunteer services such as organizing online lectures and preparing group activities. Fortunately, Mr. Zeng has experienced the busiest and most efficient time in life, the most stress-resistant learning and growth, the most rewarding time of accomplishment, and has met many professionals,  experts and friends.

5. Outstanding Community Service Award (杰出社区服务奖)

Recipient (获奖者): Dr. Yangli Xie

谢芳丽,杜兰区公共卫生流行病官员。2021年,谢女士参加了多次公共网络研讨会和公共媒体知识传播会议,在新冠大流行期间对公众进行科学信息教育,并打击有关 COVID-19 和疫苗的错误信息。 谢女士超越了她的专业工作,以非常实质性和有影响力的方式为当地社区服务。 她代表了医疗保健的本质:在人们最需要帮助的时候照顾他们。

Ms Xie has voluntarily participated in quite a few public webinars and public media knowledge dissemination sessions to educate the public with scientific information during the pandemic, and fight against misinformation regarding COVID-19 and vaccines. Ms. Xie has gone above and beyond her professional job and served the local community in very substantive and impactful ways. She represented the very essence what health care is about: caring for people when they need help the most.
