April 20, 8:00-10:00 PM Eastern time

CNIW News:  It has been almost 3-months since Canada reported its first COVID-19 case in late January. As of April 19, Canada has reported a total of 33,383 confirmed cases and 1470 deaths. However, signs that the epidemic curve has flattened has given a glimmer of hope after another week without significant increases in number of cases, hospitalizations, or deaths in most of parts of Canada. With the current stringent social spacing requirements and self-isolations still in place, detection and treatment of COVID-19 has received increasingly more attention from the Canadian society including the Chinese community. At present, there is a great demand for information on COVID-19 testing, treatment, and government policies in Canada.   

Centre for New Immigrant Health (CNIW) and Confederation of Chinese Alumni Associations (CCAA) will jointly host an open zoom forum. Invited guested speakers include: Policy Maker, Infectious Disease Physician, Epidemiologists, and Microbiologist (See attached slides).  Participants are welcome to directly ask questions to speakers during the discussion portion. We invite you to join us for this important event.

Forum theme: COVID-19 Testing and Treatment from policy to patient bed:  knowledge translation symposium

Date and Time: April 20 from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM, Eastern Time

Language and Cost: English and Chinese, Free

Format:  Online Zoom Forum  https://zoom.us/j/93857485135?pwd=ZWFNUzBBUUdaZTFhdi80UitUY2ROUT09 

Meeting ID: 938 5748 5135, Password: 002657

Forum Capacity: 500 online attendees

Forum Moderators:  Xiao Han (韩笑) Eric Dong

CNIW and CCAA Joint Zoom Forum:  COVID-19 Testing and Treatment from policy to patient bed:  knowledge translation symposium,-Centre for New Immigrant Well-Being (CNIW)
CNIW and CCAA Joint Zoom Forum:  COVID-19 Testing and Treatment from policy to patient bed:  knowledge translation symposium,-Centre for New Immigrant Well-Being (CNIW)
CNIW and CCAA Joint Zoom Forum:  COVID-19 Testing and Treatment from policy to patient bed:  knowledge translation symposium,-Centre for New Immigrant Well-Being (CNIW)
CNIW and CCAA Joint Zoom Forum:  COVID-19 Testing and Treatment from policy to patient bed:  knowledge translation symposium,-Centre for New Immigrant Well-Being (CNIW)