CNIW celebrates community champions: individuals and organizations honored for outstanding contributions
CNIW March 21, 2023 News
CNIW selects groups and individuals who have made outstanding contributions in different fields or to the community each year, and sets up 3-5 relevant awards. The following are the 2022 CNIW group and individual awards. 北美华人健康2022年度颁奖仪式。

- CNIW Humanitarian Award Recipient: Bethune Medical Development Association of Canada(BMDAC)

Bethune Medical Development Association of Canada(BMDAC), established in 2011, is a non-profit non-political non-governmental organization, which is composed of Canadian and Chinese medical professionals. Since its establishment, the association has focused on promoting Bethune's internationalism and humanitarian spirit, promoting Canada-China medical exchanges, and enhancing the friendship between Canada and China. Over the years, BMDAC has visited 160 hospitals in China and helped to bring over 142 healthcare professionals to Toronto for training. During the pandemic, BMDAC has made exceptional contribution in fighting COVID-19. BMDAC has led the fundraising activity to purchase 3 lifesaving ECMO machines and other PPEs for Wuhan hospitals, and helped
to distribute PPEs to several most needed GTA healthcare facilities. The contribution made by BMDAC has been praised and recognized by the communities and governments.
2. Year 2022 Outstanding Community Organization Partners Award Recipient: The Toronto Chinese Professors Association (TCPA)

The Toronto Chinese Professors Association (TCPA, 多伦多华人教授协会) plays a significant role in contributing to the Chinese community during the pandemic. As a not-for-profit organization, the TCPA has a unique opportunity to bring together Chinese professors from different universities in Toronto and leverage their collective expertise to support the community. The TCPA in collaborating with other associations organized virtual conferences, seminars, and workshops on topics related to COVID-19, such as vaccine development,
public health policy, and social implication of the pandemic. Furthermore, the TCPA facilitated cultural, scientific, and educational exchanges between Canada and China as well as other Chinese-speaking jurisdictions. The association helped to foster international cooperation in responding to the pandemic and providing a platform for members to share practices and innovative solutions. The TCPA made significant contribution to the Chinese community during the pandemic by promoting interdisciplinary research and educational collaborations, and through these efforts, the TCPA helped to enhance social inclusion, equity, and eliminate racial discrimination in the professional communities and society at large.
3. Excellence in Public Health Knowledge Mobilization Award

As an internationally known epidemiologist and Chinese community leader, Dr. Wang combines his professional knowledge and skills with his community service and leadership experience and has played an important role in the fighting COVID-19 pandemic on different fronts. Academically, he has been leading several research projects supported by CHIR, PHAC, and Canadian red cross to systematically assess the impact of COVID-19 on Asian immigrants and explore factors associated with vaccine hesitancy. Not only Dr. Wang and his team presented their research works in several international conferences, but also, he is also a regular public health
commentator to many media outlets, such as OMNI TV, Fairchild TV, CBC International, Voice of America, BBC, Radio 105.9, Radio 1430, Radio 1543. Over the last three years, Dr. Wang has been interviewed over three hundred times in Canada and elsewhere including major news agencies, such as Reuters, CBC, CCTV, Xinhua News, and Chinese News Service. In addition, working with university scholars and other community organizations, CNIW led by Dr. Wang has hosted or co-hosted more than 60 public workshops or seminars related to COVD-19.
4. Year 2022 Outstanding Community Service Award

Dr. Xiao Han has been actively involved in community service and environmental protection in Toronto, serving as an executive
director of the Toronto Environmental Alliance, participating in the TRCA Council and public hearings, and joining the Natural Science and Education Committee. During the pandemic, she has hosted, planned, and participated in hundreds of public lectures, community anti-pandemic, anti-Asian discrimination, and charity donation activities, She has also written and published nearly a thousand news, video, audio interviews, and thematic reports, advocating for promoting science-based information and effective communication for the Chinese community. Ms. Han organized numerous youth development programs and public health awareness events. She also planned and organized several large-scale charity events to raise fund for Sickkids hospital in supporting children’s medical services and research. She has also contributed to cultural and artistic activities to build community resilience and empathy. Her devotion to assist others and volunteerism were well recognised with Ontario Volunteer Service Award and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pin.
5. Year 2022 Chinese Community Outstanding Contribution in Fighting COVID-19 Award

Sam (Xiaoming) Wang graduated from Zhejiang University with a major in Radio Technology in 1982, and joined Xi‘an Satellite Control
Center and China Unicom. In 1998, he immigrated to Canada. In his spare time, he is enthusiastic about public welfare. He used to be
the president of the Zhejiang University Alumni Association in Canada. He is currently the executive president of the Canada Zhejiang
Council of Commerce and the vice president of the Canada-China Economic, Trade and Cultural Exchange Promotion Alliance. In the
past 20 years, Sam has devoted a great deal of energy, wealth, and time to assist new immigrants with cultural integration, skills
upgrading, networking, and accessing local and international business opportunities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he has been
working tirelessly with Chinese community volunteer teams to raise fund for PPE purchasing, providing technical support for hosting
hundreds of online COVID-19 related seminars, workshops, and other online activities for knowledge dissemination. He has received
the Volunteer Awards from the Ontario Provincial Government of Canada.
6. Duke of Edinburgh International Award

Allyson Wu joined the Duke of Edinburgh International Award program when she was 14, in order to challenge the Bronze level. As part of the program in the next three years, she learned to play the violin, to cook, and to crochet, while also practicing running, fencing, and cycling. She also served on her student council, volunteered as a teaching assistant, and became a CNIW student editor. She has finally achieved the Duke of Edinburgh's Bronze, Silver, and Gold award: a remarkable accomplishment that demonstrated commitment, perseverance, and personal growth. This prestigious award recognizes young people who have excelled in a range of
areas including physical fitness, community services, skill development, and adventurous expeditions. Allyson’s dedication to completing the requirements for these three levels of awards showcases her determination, leadership, and willingness to challenge herself. This achievement is a testament to Allyson’s exceptional qualities and her potential to make a positive impact in the world.