Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Tony Bai Shares His Expertise on New Advances in COVID-19 Treatment
January 21, 2023
CNIW News (2023-01-15):
As the year 2023 starts, COVID-19 pandemic has entered its fourth year! In the past three years, unprecedented achievements have been made in many aspects, from medical research, innovative vaccines to therapeutic drug development. As part of their knowledge transfer efforts, the Center for Newcomer Welfare (CNIW) and several other non-profit organizations recently held a virtual forum in the Canadian Chinese community. Dr. Tony Bai, an infectious disease expert at Queen's University, was one of the keynote speakers. Dr. Bai's presentation was about COVID-19 treatment.

This event was jointly organized by the following organizations (as shown in the poster in Chinese)

Co-hosting organizations:
- Centre for New Immigrant Well-Being (CNIW)
- Tianyi Alumni Association in Canada
- Canada-China Economic Trade and Culture Exchange Promotion Alliance (CCEA)
- Confederation of Chinese Alumni Associations (CCAA)
- and Bethune Medical Development Association of Canada(BDMAC)