Dr. Tony Fang-Centre for New Immigrant Well-Being (CNIW)

方涛,加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学Stephen Jarislowsky讲席教授,加拿大多伦多大学兼职教授,美国新泽西州立大学J.Robert Beyster研究员,英国皇家艺术学院院士(FRSA, Fellow, Royal Society of Arts)。他曾任宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院客座教授,哈佛大学经济系和NBER访问教授,约克大学人力资源管理与劳资关系终身教授,澳大利亚莫纳什大学商学院教授和国际商务硕士专业主任。曾担任中国留美经济学会会长,世界银行移民与发展专家咨询委员会成员,加拿大《公平就业法案》12位评审专家之一,加拿大安大略省大都会中心劳动力市场整合部主任 。

 方涛教授的主要研究领域广泛,包括劳动力市场收入不平等、最低工资、工会作用,高绩效人力资源管理研究中的利润分享、工作生活平衡、薪酬与绩效,以及移和国际学生的吸引、安置、融合和劳动力市场成果研究。获得16项加拿大社会人文科学委员会和 5项研究加拿大联邦政府研究基金, 总金额超过450万加元。



Professor Tony Fang has a Ph.D. in Labour Economics and Human Resources from the

University of Toronto. He is the Stephen Jarislowsky Chair in Economic and Cultural

Transformation at Memorial University of Newfoundland and an adjunct Professor at the

University of Toronto and the Toronto Metropolitan University. Currently, he holds the J. Robert

Beyster Faculty Fellowship at Rutgers University. Between 2014-2019, he sat on the World

Bank's Expert Advisory Committee on Migration and Development. Before joining Memorial,

he was the Director of the Master of International Business Program at Monash University in

Melbourne, Australia. He served as the President of the Chinese Economists Society (2012-13)

and the Domain Leader at CERIS, Ontario Metropolis Centre (2009-12). He was a visiting

professor at Harvard University and NBER, Wharton School, City University of Hong Kong,

Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), Tsinghua University, Fudan University,

University of Science and Technology of China, and Hanyang University (South Korea). In

2017, he was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).

Professor Fang’s areas of research interest encompass issues of immigration, diversity, and

cultural changes, pension, retirement policy and the ageing workforce, minimum wages and

youth employment, union impact on wages, innovation and firm growth, pay equity and

employment equity. He has published in such journals as Strategic Management Journal,

Industrial and Labor Relations Review (Cornell), Industrial Relations (Berkeley), British Journal

of Industrial Relations (LSE), Canadian Journal of Economics, Canadian Public Policy, World

Economy, Asian Economic Papers, China Economic Review, Review of Development Economics,

Journal of World Business, Asian Business and Management, International Journal of Human

Resource Management, International Migration, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies,

Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Labor Research, Relations industrielles/Industrial

Relations, IZA Journal of Labour Policy, IZA World of Labour, International Journal of

Manpower, and Social Indictors Research.

Professor Fang has received 16 awards from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

of Canada (SSHRC) and 5 research grants Employment and Social Development Canada

(HRSDC), totaling $4.55 million. He was invited by the Government of Canada for the Expert

Consultation on Private Pensions in Canada, and more recently, for the Review of Employment

Equity Act.

Professor Fang has also provided consultative services to Human Resources and Social

Development Canada, Statistics Canada, the Government of Ontario, and the Government of

Newfoundland and Labrador. In 2015, he was appointed as the Jarislowsky Chair at Memorial

University, with $2 million endowment support from the Jarislowsky Foundation, the

Government of NL, and private donations.