Sunny Tianxue He, B.A.Sc.
Associate Editor, Canada
Academic Background
Sunny (Tianxue He) obtained her bachelor's degree in Applied Human Nutrition from the University of Guelph in the 2015-2019 cohort. During her 4th year, Sunny completed her thesis titled the association between children's eating behaviours and sleep duration, under the supervision of Dr. Haines.
Currently, Sunny is completing her dietetic internship at Sunnybrook Health Science Centre and Ryerson University to become a registered dietitian.
Working Experience
Sunny has worked as a research assistant at various departments at the University of Guelph. For instance, her most recent experience was working at Guelph Family Health Study, which is a longitudinal cohort health-based intervention study focused on using a whole-family approach to support health behaviours among preschool-aged children. Her primary roles included planning and leading study recruitment events and conducting anthropometric measurements for adults and paediatric participants, including height, weight, waist circumference, blood pressure, and processed saliva samples.
Sunny received various scholarships during her undergraduate years. For example, in 2018, she was awarded the Ontario Women's Institute Scholarship for contributing to extracurricular activities.
Sunny enjoys reading, cooking, playing Ukulele, and walking her dog Simao in nature.