2024 年 10 月 14 日

CNIW 北美华人健康

CNIW 北美华人健康

北美华人健康五周年庆典隆重举行 | CNIW 5th Anniversary Celebration

CNIW 2024-10-01 消息:


北美华人健康(Centre for New Immigrant Well-Being, CNIW)**于2024年9月28日在新动力传媒演播厅隆重举行五周年庆典及第二届慈善高尔夫赛颁奖仪式。协会团队成员、赞助商、华人社区代表、高尔夫球员及义工200多人出席。本次活动由北美华人健康协会行政总监韩笑主持,主席王培忠博士发表了简短的主题演讲。

The Centre for New Immigrant Well-Being (CNIW) held its 5th Anniversary Celebration and the awards ceremony for the second Charity Golf Tournament on September 28, 2024, at the Xinflix Media Auditorium. Nearly 200 people attended, including CNIW team members, sponsors, representatives from the Chinese community, golfers, and volunteers. The event was hosted by CNIW Executive Director Xiao Han, and Dr. Peizhong Wang, the Chair, delivered a brief keynote speech.

CNIW是加拿大安大略省的非营利组织,致力于通过研究、知识传播和社区服务,特别关注亚洲移民群体的健康福祉。CNIW 基金会是加拿大联邦注册的慈善机构。本次庆典的健康主题是《健康妈妈与宝宝》,这是CNIW目前与加拿大公共卫生署合作开展的重点社区项目。此外,庆典还包括社区杰出贡献奖的颁奖仪式以及当天慈善高尔夫赛的颁奖环节,这也是活动的重要组成部分。

CNIW is a non-profit organization based in Ontario, Canada, dedicated to improving the health and well-being of immigrant communities, with a special focus on Asian immigrants, through research, knowledge dissemination, and community services. The health theme of the celebration was “Healthy Moms and Babies,” which is a key community project currently being carried out in collaboration with the Public Health Agency of Canada. In addition, the event featured the presentation of the Community Outstanding Contribution Awards and the awards for the Charity Golf Tournament held earlier in the day, both of which were significant parts of the celebration.



多伦多大学刘明耀教授金天如教授约克大学查强教授Steven Wang 教授、多伦多都市大学 杨丽霞教授王露教授,前CCAA理事长叶军、前CCAA会长程斌、加拿大白求恩医学发展协会周源常务副会长、加拿大专业妇女协会梁梅英会长、深圳同乡会黎楚云会长、加拿大高校文学社杨海军会长、加拿大心理健康互助中心总监Lydia Yang等。





本次活动由北美华人健康行政总监韩笑主持,北美华人健康协会及CNIW Foundation 主席王培忠博士发表简短主题演讲。北美华人健康协会(CNIW)是一家位于加拿大安大略省的非营利组织,致力于通过研究、知识传播和社区服务促进移民的健康福祉,特别关注来自亚洲国家的移民群体。因此,今天庆典活动的健康主题是《健康妈妈及宝宝》,这也是目前北美华人健康正在承担的加拿大公共卫生署的一项社区课题。

CNIW拥有专业的科学顾问委员会,积极开展健康教育、研究合作和社区项目,覆盖广泛的华人移民群体。CNIW通过微信平台和线上期刊发布健康相关文章,已累计吸引超过700万次阅读,并通过多项政府资助的项目为社区提供支持。过去5年已承担了联邦、省及市等与健康相关的社区或科研课题16项,此外与多伦多大学、纽芬兰纪念大学、多伦多都市大学等有多项科研合。CNIW 基金会是加拿大联邦注册的慈善机构,目前的工作范围主要在多伦多地区。

万锦市市长薛加平(Frank Scarpitti)前不久特意安排录制视频,支持北美华人健康的PHAC疫苗项目

女王大学传染病专科医生Tony Bai, 通过视频介绍孕妇接种疫苗的重要性。

王培忠主席表示在CNIW成立五周年之际,我谨代表北美华人健康协会,向长期支持我们的加拿大三级政府、各级领导表示衷心的感谢!感谢你们的关心与支持,使我们能够不断前行。同时,我要特别感谢来自不同领域的专家学者们,你们的专业知识和无私贡献,是我们取得每一个进步的重要力量。感谢你们一直以来的鼎力相助! 此外,我还要感谢华人兄弟社团的支持与合作,正是因为有你们的携手同行,CNIW才能在社区中发挥更大作用,服务更多需要帮助的移民家庭。最后,我要向我们的义工团队致以最诚挚的感谢!你们的无私奉献和默默付出,让我们所有的活动得以顺利开展,真正服务到了社区的每一位成员。


Dr. Jiancheng Zhou,2023-2024 Outstanding Community Achievement Award 

周建成博士(Ted Zhou)是加拿大著名的华裔企业家,多年来积极投身于加拿大的慈善与公益事业。最近,周博士向穆斯科卡木材社区中心(Muskoka Lumber Community Centre)捐赠了3万加元,用于未来10年内冠名Coulson Family Bracebridge图书馆内的录音室。除此之外,2024年7月,他还向南穆斯科卡医院基金会捐赠了2.5万加元,以帮助购买急需的医疗设备。

周博士一直秉持着企业社会责任的理念,认为支持社区和医疗保健是回馈社会的重要方式。他的慷慨捐助得到了当地官员的高度认可,包括Bracebridge市市长Rick Maloney,赞扬他不仅作为商人,更作为一位家庭人士,为社区福祉做出了重要贡献。


Dr. Ted Zhou is a prominent Chinese-Canadian entrepreneur who has been actively involved in philanthropy and public service in Canada for many years. Recently, Dr. Zhou donated $30,000 over 10 years to the Muskoka Lumber Community Centre for naming rights to the recording studio in the Coulson Family Bracebridge Library. His generous support is part of his broader commitment to contributing to community projects. Additionally, in July 2024, Dr. Zhou made a $25,000 donation to the South Muskoka Hospital Foundation to help purchase vital medical equipment for the busy cast department.

Dr. Zhou believes deeply in corporate social responsibility and prioritizes supporting healthcare and community development in the regions where his business operates. His donations have been recognized and appreciated by local officials, including the mayor of Bracebridge, Rick Maloney, who praised Dr. Zhou for his dedication to both business and family values, which resonate with the local community.

Within the Chinese community, Dr. Zhou is also a strong supporter of various educational and healthcare initiatives. He was the title sponsor of the recently concluded CNIW Foundation Charity Golf Tournament, further demonstrating his commitment to improving the well-being of communities.

Dr. Zhengjie Jia, 2023-2024 Outstanding Community Service Award Recipient


Dr. Zhengjie Jia is the current Chair of the Board of Directors for the Confederation of Chinese Alumni Associations (CCAA). Dr. Jia has been actively involved in public service and, under his leadership and that of other CCAA board members, the organization has contributed significantly to the Chinese community by conducting numerous initiatives that enrich the lives of its members. His achievements have been widely recognized within the Chinese community in Toronto. Additionally, CCAA has been a long-standing partner in various community collaborations.

Max Yan, 2023-2024 Outstanding Youth Leadership Award Recipient

Max 是麦吉尔大学一年级的医学生,也是北美华人健康协会(CNIW)的学生董事会成员。过去一年里,他作为志愿者领导者,指导了CNIW的HOSA团队参加国内外的比赛。他还在组织CNIW的线上工作坊以及参与研究项目中发挥了重要作用。由于Max无法亲自出席此次活动,来自达尔豪斯大学的学生志愿者Sally Li代为领取了他的奖项。

Max is a first-year medical student at McGill University and a student board member of CNIW. Over the past year, he has served as a volunteer leader, coaching a CNIW HOSA team for both national and international competitions. Max has also played an important role in organizing CNIW virtual workshops and contributing to various research projects. As he was not able to join this event in person, Ms. Sally Li, a student volunteer from Dalhousie University, accepted the award on Max’s behalf.

Canada-China Economic Trade & Culture Exchange Promotion Alliance (CCEA), 2023-2024 Outstanding Community Organization Partner Award



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