据加拿大健康科学院(Canadian Academy of Health Sciences,CAHS)消息,当地时间2022年9月8日,多伦多大学Dalla Lana公共卫生学院魏晓林教授当选加拿大健康科学院院士,是当选专家学者中为数不多的华人学者之一。
加拿大健康科学院(CAHS)是加拿大学院理事会的三个国家级学院之一,汇集了加拿大一流的健康和生物医学专家和学者。加拿大健康科学院院士(Fellow of CAHS)是授予加拿大学者的最高荣誉之一,是对当选学者在健康科学领域的创造力、领导力和杰出贡献的认可,也是当选者在该领域作为全球科研引领者,不断开拓创新、成就卓越的有力证明。
魏晓林教授是多伦多大学Dalla Lana公共卫生学院国际卫生政策终身讲习教授,国际抗肺结核和肺病联盟执行董事,英国公共卫生科学院成员。魏教授于2018年当选国际肺病联盟副主席、2012-18年任联盟秘书长,并在复旦大学、北京大学、山东大学、英国圣安德鲁大学、利兹大学等多个高校担任兼职教授。

Prof. Xiaolin Wei is successfully elected as a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, which is the most prestigious honor of its kind in Canada
About CAHS
The Canadian Academy of Health Sciences brings together Canada’s top-ranked health and biomedical scientists and scholars to make a positive impact on the urgent health concerns of Canadians. Our Fellows, drawn from all disciplines across our nation’s universities, healthcare and research institutes, evaluate Canada’s most complex health challenges and recommend strategic, actionable solutions.
Fellows of the Academy are elected on the basis of their demonstrated leadership, creativity, distinctive competencies and commitment to advancing academic health sciences. The CAHS Fellowship is considered
one of the highest honours for members of the Canadian health sciences community and carries with it a covenant to serve the Academy and Canadian society.
About Prof. Xiaolin Wei
Dr. Xiaolin Wei (MD, PhD, MPH, FFPH) is a tenured full professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, as well as the current chair of the Department of Global Health Policy, and a Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health (FFPH) at the University of Leeds. Drawing from his background in public health and as a physician, Dr. Wei’s wide-reaching work primarily focuses on global public health interventions, which have successfully promoted better education and proper stewardship surrounding the treatment of TB, respiratory infections, hypertension, and diabetes at the point of clinical care delivery. His efforts and strategies are furthermore informed by a focus on topics such as social inclusion, gender responsiveness, and poverty reduction, finding application in countries such as China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Uganda, Ghana, and Swaziland.
Internationally, he has taught in various public health programs at the University of St. Andrews, University of Leeds, Peking University, Shandong University, Fudan University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, and Huashan Hospital. Dr. Wei is a general and executive board member representing Canada in the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases in Paris, France. Additionally, he is a member of the Sigma Xi Society, American Thoracic Society, Health System Global, and the Canadian Association of Global Health.
Prof. Wei’s Global Implementation Sciences Lab: https://gisl.dlsph.utoronto.ca/
CAHS公示新闻:Seventy-one new Fellows elected into the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
Photograph from CAHS, Global Implementation Science Lab