CNIW News (2023-05--02): Asian immigrants in Canada are less likely to visit the dentist and have lower dental health than...
The Centre for New Immigrant Well-Being (CNIW, a non-profit organization supported by a professional team, including popular science writers,...
Dr. Lixia Yang (杨丽霞), a professor of Psychology at Toronto Metropolitan University and co-director of the Centre for New Immigrant...
CNIW News, March 19, 2023 On March 19th, the third CNIW Health and Bio-Medical Symposium and Community Contribution Award Ceremony...
CNIW March 21, 2023 News CNIW selects groups and individuals who have made outstanding contributions in different fields or to...
CNIW March 20, 2023 News The third CNIW Health and Bio-Medical Symposium and Community Contribution Award Ceremony was successfully held...
A two year pilot study on people's experiences of living with autoimmune condition titled “Autoimmunity, Self, and Society: A Sociological...
Research is becoming one of the most important ways for high school and college students to spend their time during...
根据省卫生厅公布的数据, 尽管新冠和流感疫情依然起起伏伏, 但整体来讲趋势已经向下, 大家现在应该注意什麽? 而现在是春节期间, 大家聚会时总会喝两杯, 之前我们谈过喝酒有害健康, 大家如果真要喝, 有没有明确的建议喝多少算OK呢? 我们就邀请纽芬兰纪念大学医学院, 也是多伦多大学公共卫生学院流行病学教授王培忠, 在今天的疫情更新专题中和大家一起关注。 疫情爆发不久王培忠教授便应邀与OMNI电视合作,每周二或周三向观众及时更新新冠疫情最新动态并回答观众关心的问题。随着疫情的好转,新冠疫情已不是大家最关心的问题。因此,该节目也告一段落。上周二王培忠教授接受访谈时没有谈及疫情,这是两年多来首次。
CNIW News (2023-01-15): As the year 2023 starts, COVID-19 pandemic has entered its fourth year! In the past three years,...