2024 年 9 月 7 日

CNIW 北美华人健康

CNIW 北美华人健康


Centre for New Immigrants Wellbeing (CNIW) is a registered non-information organization in Canada. It aims to provide health, professional and social services promoting social, psychological and physical wellbeing of new immigrants in Canada. 北美华人健康协会 (Centre for New Immigrants Well-being,CNIW) 是在加拿大安大略省注册的非盈利机构。其宗旨为通过健康宣传,专业及社会服务促进新移民社会、心理及躯体健康。 Homepage:www.cniw.org, Address:500–7030 Woodbine Avenue, Markham ON L3R 6G2 , Email: info@cniw.org, editor@cniw.org 公众号:北美华人健康
1 min read

Lilin Ye, M.D., R.R.D.H. Co-Director Lilin Ye graduated from the Medical Department of Anhui Medical University in 1985 and University...