2021 年1月30日北美华人健康协会(CNIW)暨天津医科大学加拿大校友会联合举办 《别鼠年新冠,迎牛年健康》云端联欢会。本次活动特色是:小范围:轻松温馨,云端上:猜谜获奖。
Prof. Xiaolin Wei (http://www.dlsph.utoronto.ca/faculty-profile/wei-xiaolin/) is a medical doctor, public health specialists, professor and the Dalla Lana Chair in Global Health
CNIW Now Is Hiring Multiple Positions
CNIW was formed in 2019 with the mandate of promoting immigrants’ well-being through research, knowledge dissemination, community service, and mentor-ship,
Ryerson Career Boost International Program (CBI)
The successful RA candidate will assist the supervising faculty member to operate a research project that examines the psychological impacts
We Are hiring Summer Student
CNIW was formed in 2019 with the mandate of promoting immigrants’ well-being through research, knowledge dissemination, community service, and mentor-ship,
CNIW and CCAA Joint Zoom Forum: COVID-19 Testing and Treatment from policy to patient bed: knowledge translation symposium,
CNIW News: It has been almost 3-months since Canada reported its first COVID-19 case in late January. As of April
Expert sees threat from coronavirus diminishing over time
A Canadian epidemiologist is optimistic that China will lessen the impact of the coronavirus going forward. “Comparing it to SARS
View More… Expert sees threat from coronavirus diminishing over time
王培忠, 朱云 第三期 2019年8月06日 点击数:69 北美华人健康 王培忠,朱云 莱姆病 莱姆病(Lyme Disease)是一种以蜱(tick)为媒介的莱姆螺旋体(borrelia burgdorferi) 细菌感染性疾病。 因为这种病于1975年10月首次在康乃狄克州 (Connecticut)的莱姆(Lyme)镇发现。 所以科研人员将这种病命名为莱姆病。 在以成人食指为参照物情况下,展示不同阶段致病蜱的大小。 传播机制